94th Annual Spring Salon
Thank you to all artists who entered the 94th Annual Spring Salon! It was a very competitive exhibition and we wish we had the room to showcase more of your incredible works of art. Thank you for continuing to share them with us. We love working with you and seeing what you create.
No art pickups will be facilitated over the weekend. If you cannot come during the designated pickup times, please schedule your art pickup by emailing Emily at elarsen@springville.org. Scheduled art pickup is Thursday April 26th, 2018 - Saturday April 28th, 2018 between 10am-5pm.
The Spring Salon was first held in 1922, begun by students and teachers of Springville High School who wanted to exhibit and promote original artwork. The Salon has been held annually since that time, except during World War II when fuel and other goods were rationed nationwide. The Springville Museum of Art continues the tradition today and invites all artists in Utah to participate in the 94th Annual Spring Salon. This exhibition is a juried competition that showcases the diversity and quality of contemporary Utah art.

Important Dates
March 5, 2018–April 7, 2018
Online entry form available, link will be provided on smofa.org website
Wednesday April 4, 2018–Saturday April 7, 2018, 10:00am–5:00pm
Taking in artwork for exhibition
*NO artwork will be accepted on the Tuesday of that week as in past years
Friday April 13, 2018 (before 5:00pm)
List of accepted works posted online
Wednesday April 25, 2018
Exhibition Opens
*Opening Reception and Artists in Conversation, 6:00–8:00pm
Thursday April 26, 2018–Saturday April 28, 2018, 10:00am–5:00pm
First artwork pickup period
*if you’d like to pick up your work outside of the designated pickup period an appointment must be made with the curatorial staff by emailing elarsen@springville.org
Wednesday May 23, 2018, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday July 7, 2018
Closing date of exhibition
Tuesday July 10, 2018–Saturday July 14, 2018, 10:00am–5:00pm
Second artwork pickup period
*If you’d like to pick up your work outside of the designated pickup period an appointment must be made with the curatorial staff by emailing elarsen@springville.org
Eligibility and Requirements
The Salon is open to all Utah artists, working in any media. Each artist may submit up to two works of art created within the last three years. Works over three years old are not eligible. All works MUST be original in concept and execution. Artwork must be prepared securely for display and “ready to hang” with appropriate hardware. Artwork cannot exceed 11ft. on its largest dimension. Framed works that hang on a wall cannot exceed 9ft in height. All participating artists must agree to the Conditions of Entry and the Art Pickup Policy listed on this page. Works that have previously been accepted into Springville Museum of Art juried exhibitions are ineligible.
Entry Information
Original artwork must be received at the Springville Museum of Art April 4-7, 2018 during Museum Administrative Hours (10am-5pm). Each entry will cost $17.00. Any digital media that is submitted must be accompanied with the necessary hardware and technology to exhibit the work. Online Entry Forms must be completed 24 hours prior to delivering work to SMA. These Online Entry Forms may be found on the Upcoming Exhibitions section of our website: www.smofa.org. Artist Statements and label information should be included with this Online Entry Form. The Entry Form, as well as the entry fee must be received with the artwork(s) at the Museum before 5pm on Saturday April 7, 2018. Those artists designated as “Most Honored Artists of Utah” may enter without a fee but all works will be subject to the jurying process.
Artist’s Statement
The Springville Museum of Art requests that each artist include an “Artist’s Statement” about their work with each entry submitted. Please keep statements between 25 words minimum and 100 words maximum. Artists will be able to electronically submit their statement at the time they complete the Online Entry Form and it may be used in the jury process. Those statements submitted electronically may be reproduced on labels for display and/or in the printed catalogue. Statements submitted after 5:00pm on Saturday April 7, 2018 will not be printed on labels and not considered in the jurying process. Statements cannot be changed after 5:00pm on Saturday April 7, 2018.
Insurance Policy
SMA’s insurance policy insures artwork on loan (except for high risk art) for the "fair market value" of the artwork, not necessarily the sales price of the piece. The "fair market value" is subject to an appraisal by a professional appraiser or art consultant, as determined by SMA’s insurance carrier. All works accepted for the exhibition will be insured through July 14, 2018, also for the fair market value. Frames and pedestals will not be insured for damage.
High Risk Art: (If you are not sure if your work falls in this category, please talk with SMA staff when you submit your piece):
- Paintings that are still wet or soft beneath the paint skin
- Any unframed works of art or works of art whose surface extends beyond and in front of the frame
- Works of art with previous condition problems
- Particularly fragile artworks, mixed media, installation, multi -part or assemblage works, glass, ceramic, plaster, exposed paper, etc.
- Poorly prepared pieces and frames (faulty wires, screw eyes, clips, etc.)
- Works of art behind regular silica glass (Pastels may be behind silica glass and be insured. Other works must be behind Plexiglas.)
- Artworks with exposed backs or simple paper backing (To be insured, works of art on canvas must have the back of the stretcher-bar covered by cardboard, foam core, etc., to protect the canvas.)
- Artwork that requires special handling provisions
All artists will be asked to sign a Release Agreement upon entry which affirms that they are the owner of the artwork being entered into the show. The artist will also (1) expressly waive any and all claims or causes of action that he or she has or may have in the future against SMA and Springville City arising from or in connection with the Exhibition and (2) agree to indemnify SMA and Springville City for any damages caused by artist and artist’s artwork and actions.
Jury Process
The Salon exhibition will be selected by jurors. ALL ARTISTS - including those recognized as “Most Honored Artists of Utah” - will be subject to the jurying process. SMA curators will conduct a round of pre-jurying prior to official jurying, if volume of works necessitates. The jurors will select the final artwork for the exhibition, in consultation with SMA Director, Dr. Rita R. Wright. SMA curators reserve the right to make final curatorial decisions regarding works in the exhibition and their placement. All work exhibited must comply with the SMA Community Standards policy. The Community Standards can be found here.
Beth Krensky, Professor of Art Education and Area Head of Art Teaching at the University of Utah
Elliott Wise, Assistant Professor of Art History at Brigham Young University
A list of accepted work will be posted on the Salon webpage of the smofa.org website on Friday April 13, 2018. Award winners will be notified via email before the opening reception, where the award winners will be announced publicly.
Art Pickup Policy
All artwork will be considered on temporary loan to the Springville Museum of Art (SMA) from date of entry, through the duration of the exhibition, until final pickup date listed below. Due to increased numbers of art submissions, artists must pick up all pieces from the Museum within the time frame specified here:
- Thursday April 26, 2018–Saturday April 28, 2018, 10:00am–5:00pm OR
- Tuesday July 10, 2018–Saturday July 14, 2018, 10:00am–5:00pm
Exhibition Catalogue
An exhibition catalogue will be printed with reproductions of select works. Not all accepted artworks will be illustrated in the catalogue. All artists receive one copy of the catalogue for every accepted entry. Catalogues cannot be mailed but should be picked up at the Museum by the artist during the exhibition dates or at time of art pick-up.
Exhibition Events
Opening Reception and Artists in Conversation – April 25, 2018, 6:00-8:00pm
All submitting artists are invited to attend this public opening event of the exhibition. Accepted artists should come prepared to engage with public and answer questions regarding their work. Award-winning works will be announced at this event.
Artist Round Table - May 23, 2018, 6:00-8:00pm
Join us for a free networking event for art professionals. All are invited to participate in conversations about important topics chosen by local artists.
Awards, Purchases, and Sales
Artworks from the exhibition will be selected for cash and/or purchase awards. Awards are determined by jurors and curators. SMA retains a 30% commission on all art sales during the exhibition. Please price your work accordingly. If applicable, please coordinate with your gallery in pricing pieces. SMA staff will not set prices for artists.
Additional Questions?
Contact SMA’s Curatorial Staff at elarsen@springville.org or 801-491-5702

- Upcoming
- Current
- The Most Noble Subject: The Gail Miller & Kim Wilson Collection
- Plein Air Painters of Utah: Art on the Highway
- 100th Annual Spring Salon
- Youth Art Competition 2024
- Grand Ambitions
- Inherit: A Visual Exploration of Land, Connection, and Legacy
- The Fairbanks Family: An American Art Dynasty
- Joe Adams and Brian Kershisnik: 30 Years of Friendship and Art
- 50th Annual Quilt Show
- 52nd Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 38th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 31st Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 32nd Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 33rd Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 34th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 35th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 36th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 37th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 43rd Annual Quilt Show
- 44th Annual Quilt Show
- 45th Annual Quilt Show
- 46th Annual Quilt Show
- 47th Annual Quilt Show
- 48th Annual Quilt Show
- 49th Annual Quilt Show
- 45th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show
- 46th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show
- 47th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 48th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 49th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 50th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 51st Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 93rd Annual Spring Salon
- 94th Annual Spring Salon
- 95th Annual Spring Salon
- 31st Annual Christmas Lamb Show
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2019
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2020
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2021
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2022
- Staff Favorites
- All Aboard!
- American Quilt Series: Explorations in Stained Glass
- Ars Moriendi: The Art of Death and Dying
- Beginnings: The Mormon Art and Belief Movement
- The Classical Tradition: Simplicity, Serenity, and Harmony
- Contemplations
- Contemporary Voices
- Curating Community: Art City Influencers
- Depictions of Divinity
- Don't Read This, Too
- From Student to Studio
- From the Studio of Arnold Friberg
- George Beard - Mormon Pioneer Artist with a Camera
- Glimpses of Springville
- In Sight, Out of Mind
- Journeys: Monomyth and Transformation
- Looking Back
- Lost and Found: In Search of Georgian Art
- Magic and Machine: Fantasy and Sci-Fi in Utah Art
- Mixed Reviews
- Off the Wall
- Rock the Vote: Presidential Portrayals Past and Present
- Roots and Branches
- Round Up: Icons of the West
- Russian Stories, Soviet Ideals
- Sacred Spaces: Archetypes and Symbols
- Sanctuaries
- Sanctuaries of Mind
- SELF: Explorations of Identity
- Sketchy: Drawings and Studies from the Permanent Collection
- Soviet Stories: Layers of Reality
- Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate
- Stitched Together
- Three-Mile Radius
- Up Close and Far Away
- Utah Quilt Guild's Ruby Jubilee Celebration
- Utah Valley's Iconic Locations
- Utah Women Making History
- Voices: People, Places and Ideas in Utah Art
- Wit & Whimsy: off the deep end
- Online Exhibitions
- Collection
- On Display
- Public Art