K- 12 Programs
The Museum offers a variety of educational programs and resources for K-12 educators and students. The following educational resources and programs are available for little or no cost to Utah educators.
Group Visits and Tours
You are invited to come and visit the Museum with your class. We provide guided tours, pre and post visit lesson plans, and subsidized bus transport to qualified high schools. All tours must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. New this year for high school and middle school groups is an interactive tour experience called Guide and Seek. For more information click here if you are interested in booking email please follow this link OR E-Mail Lettie Burton at CBurton@springville.org
Virtual Tours
The Springville Museum of Art now offers virtual field trips for school groups of all ages. These interactive virtual experiences allow visitors and students to navigate the galleries, click on artworks they are interested in, see artworks close up, and read label information. Choose between a self-guided option or book a live Zoom session with one of our educators. For more information click here if you are interested in booking email please follow this link OR E-Mail Katharine Davidson Bekker at KBekker@Springville.org
Art Talks
Our Museum's outreach educators will come to your school and provide interactive classes for students, training for teachers, and materials for classroom use. If you are interested in booking please contact Caley Abilez by phone 801-491-5709 OR E-Mail CAbilez@Springville.org
Evenings for Educators
Learn how to implement arts education in your classroom through hands-on workshops and special presentations. Evenings for Educators events happen during the school year at museums and galleries throughout the state. For questions about registration and additional information please E-Mail Elena Free at EFree@Springville.org
Portfolio Day
Portfolio Review Day is a chance for high school age artists to meet with Visual Art Representatives from universities, colleges, and art schools across the state. For more information please visit the website by following this link. If you still have questions please contact Candace Brown at CBrown@Springville.org
Education Materials
The Springville Museum of Art has a variety of free core curriculum-based resources available for elementary and secondary educators. Our poster sets, postcard-size images, and lesson plans are specially designed by educators to help teachers incorporate the arts into their curriculum and connect students to the Museum's extensive permanent art collection.
StateWide Art Partnership
The StateWide Art Partnership (SWAP) is a group of museum and art educators from across the state. It includes representatives from the Springville Museum of Art, the BYU Museum of Art, the Utah Museum of Fine Art, and other museums. It also includes elementary and secondary art teachers from Nebo, Provo, and Alpine School District. If you are interested in joining SWAP, please contact our K-12 Educator, Elena Free at EFree@Springville.org