October 16, 2024 – January 8, 2025
The Springville Museum of Art invites all Utah artists to enter this exhibition which celebrates the diversity of religious experience and belief in our community. Using different media to express these ideas, artist create works that will engage and inspire viewers to contemplate and reflect on the vibrant spiritual traditions we share.

Important Dates
Monday August 5, 2024 (before 5:00pm)
Thursday September 5, 2024 (11:59pm)
Monday September 16, 2024 (before 5:00pm)
Accepted list posted.
Intake for accepted artwork for exhibition during SMA administrative hours.
Wednesday October 16, 2024
Exhibition opens
Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony, 6:00-8:30pm, Awards Ceremony starting at 6:30pm.
Monday October 28, 2024
Interfaith & Art Discussion with Ganel- Lyn Condie, 6:30-7:30pm
Wednesday November 6, 2024
Artist Round Table, 6:30-8:30pm
Wednesday November 13, 2024, 7:00- 9:00pm
We are pleased to invite you to a special SMA Unframed at the Springville Museum of Art. As part of the 38th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah, we will host the Center for Latter-day Saint Arts on the occasion of their landmark publication, Latter-day Saint Art: A Critical Reader, published by Oxford University Press. Four of the book’s authors will offer short presentations about their work, followed by Q&A and a social gathering with light refreshments. Free and Open to the Public
Wednesday January 8, 2025
Exhibition closes
Thursday January 9, 2025 - Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00am-5:00pm
Art Pickup Policy
All artwork will be considered on temporary loan to the Springville Museum of Art (SMA) from date of entry, through the duration of the exhibition, until final pickup date listed below. Due to increased numbers of art submissions, artists must pick up all pieces from the Museum within the time frame specified here:
- Thursday January 9 - Saturday January 11 2025, 10:00am–5:00pm
Upon entering the show, the artist or representative acknowledges that any works not picked up by the dates specified above will be subject to a storage fee of $5/day. Artwork NOT picked up between these dates will be subject to a $5 handling fee. *Any exceptions to these dates must be arranged in advance with SMA Curatorial Staff by emailing kkimball@springville.org
Jury Process
This exhibition is juried in conjunction with the SMA curatorial staff.
This year's jurors:
Salma Djalal
Salma Djalal is a first-generation Chadian American, born and raised in Salt Lake City, and the founder of Wuruud, a collective that provides a platform for Muslim artists and creatives. She is currently studying Strategic Communications and Design at the University of Utah, with a passion for storytelling through art and creating inclusive spaces. Alongside her studies, Salma volunteers at Khadeeja Islamic Center and serves as the Marketing Director for the university’s Muslim Student Association. She also works as a communications strategist for the Salt Lake City Council and is actively involved in the Emerald Project, where she helps inspire young Muslims to share their diverse experiences.
Michael Hall
Michael Aaron Hall is a professional sculptor specializing in bronze and marble, with his passion for art beginning early and growing through studies with Swiss artist Patrick Devonas and Russian master Euvgeny Zubov. He has honed his craft over 19 years, earning numerous awards, including several from the ARC International Salon and first place in the National Sculpture Society's figurative competition in 2014. Michael has also taught workshops in Russia and Utah and participated in exhibitions like the Forgotten Angels exhibit and the Classical Traditions show at the Springville Museum of Art. As a fellow member of the National Sculpture Society, Michael serves as an ambassador for the NSS Utah Community and regularly judges competitions on both local and national levels.
Madeline Rupard
Madeline Rupard earned her BFA in Studio Art from Brigham Young University in 2016 and her MFA in Painting from Pratt Institute in 2019. She recently returned to Utah to teach studio courses at Brigham Young University. Rupard’s paintings explore the American landscape with a sense of transient observation, reflecting her experience of frequently moving through it and traveling across long distances. She paints to describe contradictions: the suburban and the sublime, the sacred and the mundane, and the ancient and man-made running up against each other.
Awards, Purchases, and Sales
Artworks from the exhibition will be selected for cash and/or purchase awards. Awards are determined by jurors and curators. SMA retains a 30% commission on all art sales during the exhibition. Please price your work accordingly, coordinating with galleries if necessary. SMA staff will not set prices for artists. Prices cannot be changed after works have been dropped off and entry forms signed. Artwork will be sold as is, including any frames, pedestals, or other display supports provided by the artist.

Additional Questions?
Contact SMA’s Curatorial Staff at kkimball@springville.org, sacor@springville.org, or 801-491-5715
Images from top left:
Rose Datoc Dall Light in the Wilderness
Adam Thomas Having Entered Into Their Rest
Tatiana Castro Rebozo de amor
Images bottom left:
Ivan Thompson She Gave All
Emily Christensen McPhie The Disparates
Michael Malm Mary Anointing the Feet of Jesus
Brian Kershisnik A Study of “Après la Guerre”
- Upcoming
- Current
- The Most Noble Subject: The Gail Miller & Kim Wilson Collection
- Plein Air Painters of Utah: Art on the Highway
- 100th Annual Spring Salon
- Youth Art Competition 2024
- Grand Ambitions
- Inherit: A Visual Exploration of Land, Connection, and Legacy
- The Fairbanks Family: An American Art Dynasty
- Joe Adams and Brian Kershisnik: 30 Years of Friendship and Art
- 50th Annual Quilt Show
- 52nd Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 38th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 31st Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 32nd Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 33rd Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 34th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 35th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 36th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 37th Annual Spiritual & Religious Art of Utah
- 43rd Annual Quilt Show
- 44th Annual Quilt Show
- 45th Annual Quilt Show
- 46th Annual Quilt Show
- 47th Annual Quilt Show
- 48th Annual Quilt Show
- 49th Annual Quilt Show
- 45th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show
- 46th Annual Utah All-State High School Art Show
- 47th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 48th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 49th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 50th Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 51st Annual Utah High School Art Show
- 93rd Annual Spring Salon
- 94th Annual Spring Salon
- 95th Annual Spring Salon
- 31st Annual Christmas Lamb Show
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2019
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2020
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2021
- Spiritual and Religious Youth Art Competition 2022
- Staff Favorites
- All Aboard!
- American Quilt Series: Explorations in Stained Glass
- Ars Moriendi: The Art of Death and Dying
- Beginnings: The Mormon Art and Belief Movement
- The Classical Tradition: Simplicity, Serenity, and Harmony
- Contemplations
- Contemporary Voices
- Curating Community: Art City Influencers
- Depictions of Divinity
- Don't Read This, Too
- From Student to Studio
- From the Studio of Arnold Friberg
- George Beard - Mormon Pioneer Artist with a Camera
- Glimpses of Springville
- In Sight, Out of Mind
- Journeys: Monomyth and Transformation
- Looking Back
- Lost and Found: In Search of Georgian Art
- Magic and Machine: Fantasy and Sci-Fi in Utah Art
- Mixed Reviews
- Off the Wall
- Rock the Vote: Presidential Portrayals Past and Present
- Roots and Branches
- Round Up: Icons of the West
- Russian Stories, Soviet Ideals
- Sacred Spaces: Archetypes and Symbols
- Sanctuaries
- Sanctuaries of Mind
- SELF: Explorations of Identity
- Sketchy: Drawings and Studies from the Permanent Collection
- Soviet Stories: Layers of Reality
- Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate
- Stitched Together
- Three-Mile Radius
- Up Close and Far Away
- Utah Quilt Guild's Ruby Jubilee Celebration
- Utah Valley's Iconic Locations
- Utah Women Making History
- Voices: People, Places and Ideas in Utah Art
- Wit & Whimsy: off the deep end
- Online Exhibitions
- Collection
- On Display
- Public Art