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Evening For Educators

06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

This professional development program is made available by the Professional Outreach Programs in the Schools (POPS) with funding from the Utah State Legislature through the Utah State Board of Education. Evenings are held throughout the academic year at museums and galleries across the state of Utah. They feature keynote speakers, hands-on workshops, networking opportunities, light refreshments and free educational materials designed to help teachers integrate the night’s theme into their curriculum. Teachers may receive inservice credit for attending these events. 

Hello My Name Is: Ousamequin: Ousamequin (O-saw-muh-kwin), a Massasoit (Mass-uh-sow-it) or leader of the Wampanoag peoples who live near Plymouth, Massachusetts, has been on display at various locations around Utah for over almost 100 years yet not a lot of people know much about him. Join us and our local indigenous community as we participate in hands-on activities to learn about this sculpture, the artist, and why this statue is in Utah. Even though the sculpture cannot speak, it can still help us understand the past and connect to the present.

Registration closes at 5 pm on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. 


Allison Pinegar

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